Was the free burning service a scam?
These people didn't seem to think so!

The following are excerpts of postings (newsgroup and mail) that people have sent in, thanking those that burn CDs/DVDs free of charge. This is not only to acknowledge the time and work that the "burning team" volunteer of their own free will, but also to show that the offer is genuine and that there are plenty of "satisfied players".
From: "Francisco Hilario, Jr."
Excellent service from Mameburner Jeff. Quick turnaround and great
communication. A+++ service.
Thanks, FH
From: Joseph Burton
The cds were great. They arrived just fine. Thanks
for taking the time to burn them, and offer the service.
I just received my MAME61 cds from Jeff Bowers. The turnaround was great (
7 days) considering I mailed a personal check. The CDs came in a padded
envelope FIRST CLASS! My thanks to Jeff and the Tombstone team!!!
From: "loren.cox"
I just wanted to give some feedback for Jeff.
Holy crap! I got my CDs in 2 days, and he was incredibly quick with
responses. I'm leaving him a tip since he was so nice and quick. Thanks
again to all you noble knights doing the good deed. It's appreciated more
than you know!
From: "EMKAY"
I got fantastic service from Yaz, he must have sent the DVDs out the same
day he received my money as the whole process only took 3 days !
Definitely recommend his service to anyone looking for DVD sets in the UK.
thanks, Mark
From: "Jermaine"
Hi Mark,
All the roms are working fine, i cant thank you enough.. I've had loads of
mates round, and they've all been going nuts over the rom sets! Wicked mate,
just wicked! Cheers, Jermaine
From: "D'Alessio Mario-DALESSI0"
Excellent service! I sent payment, and the
discs were promptly mailed and received.
Also, I received numerous emails on the
status of the transaction. Thank you!
From: "Abcman"
Jeff Bowers (mameburner@jbowers.net)is an outstanding MAMEr! I received my
MAME CDs in Excellent condition and the service was extremely fast! He also
kept me well informed throughout. Great Job!!
From: "Mark Vestal"
Thanks Burner! Awesome service that is hard to find these days! Your
service is truly appreciated by many gamers! Thanks again, Airhogg!
From: "Robert Bainbridge"
I'd like to post my thanks to Johnnymac(mike@miskreant.co.uk) for the
excelant service that he provides, I requested a set of te v 0.61 ROMs
from him and received them no more than two working days from the
original postage!
Greeeeeeaaaaaaaatttttt! work!"
Please keep it up :) Robert(WeeRab) from Scotland
From: ":: Beppe Giorgi ::"
Hi to all,
Saru have made a VERY GOOD JOB!
I'm very happy for this because he have made
Bye, Beppe.
From: jason jarstad
Powerslave is a great asset to the gaming community.
Fast and friendly service! Thanks for the help with my
arcade project! You Rock!.......Jay
From: "blocker"
I'm an Italian boy. The burner Saru(Spain) sent me the 0.61 mame romset.
The CD's arrived fast. I'm very satisfied for Saru's work!
Bye. Martino